Author ✦ Cartographer ✦ Artist
Maps of Terrania
Maps are an integral part of Rosewater's world-building. She draws maps to help her plot charts and develop the governments and cultures in her world. More often than she would like, the maps have affected the story plots.
Rosewater has also drawn maps for others, including the Emperor's Conscience dark fantasy series by author Michael K. Combs. Her cartography style is inspired by the talented cartographer Nathan Mangion.
Equirectangular World Map of Planet Terrania, with topography. Rosewater created this map on MS Paint and used Affinity Designer to add the labels, borders, and railroads in separate layers. The planet is the same size and shape as Earth, with a radius of 3958.8 miles. It has five continents: Davia, Markassia, Imeda, Voleria, and Oroma. Most of it has been explored, mapped out, and inhabited by humans of various ethnic groups.
Gallery of 3D Globe Map of Planet Terrania, created by Rosewater on To view the globe in 3D and be able to spin it around, please go here.
Three maps showing the vast geographical changes Antilia endured throughout history.
Map of the Davian continent in the southern hemisphere. This region is where most of the stories in the Chronicles of Terrania take place.